Monday, April 30, 2007 fun! =)

Well I had a terrific b-day! I got an iPod! from my mom( I LOVE HER!) And jewlery, cd's, shirts, make-up,pillows, and of course, candy =P Thank you everybody! You made the day very special! =) And I was a church most of the time yesterday so that was even better! =)
My aunt was here and we had a fabulous time=) I declare she is the funniest person ever! We played pool down stairs last night, wow oh wow, that was hilarious!
I got to talk to my dad yesterday. That was fun but he called my cell and I didn't know who he was.... for a while, lol
We just got home from Cabela's. I had never been there before, but boy! is that a fun store... I got a t-shirt and it's definetly sweet!

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Today, or....tomorrow....

Well I know I've mentioned it a lot but I'll only turn 14 once and I'm not allowed to get on the computer on Sundays so..... for now lets just say its my birthday! I'm soooo looking forward to it! Church should be awsome tomorrow, not that church isn't always awsome. =)

Friday, April 27, 2007 that stuff! =)

This weekend is going to be amazing! well at least I hope so =P today we are going skating with the homeschool group, and I'm going shopping with my friends later. After that my friends (Becca and Kellie =) are going to see Facing the Giants with the youth group at church. That will be really fun! At 9:42(I like to be exact on things like my aunt is flying in from Florida for my birthday! busy day right?.... I'm not sure what's happening on Saturday but most likely something fun =) Sunday I work in childrens church and of the course it's also the most famous day of the year! A singing group from OCA is coming to church to perform, unfortunately I won't be able to see them =( Then of course there's AWANA and Sunday night church, and Football! =) lol overall this should be a pretty rad weekend =)

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Finally Members!

Sunday my family joined Heartland Baptist Church. This was long overdue but Mom didn't know if she wanted to become a member only to have to leave the church two years later. But anyhow we joined and it was wonderful! I love our church and it feels so good to officially be a part of it =)

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Family members in Iraq =( please pray for them

Bumming news here..... I just found out that my cousin has to stay in Iraq for another 9 months! Due the the order that soldiers in the army have an extended term in Iraq. Do you know how much that stinks?..... His name is Scott and he's fighting, and when I say fighting I mean seriously fighting. About six weeks ago a piece of a bomb or something flew about a foot from his face! He said that God was really protecting him and a lot of people must be praying for him. Scott is a Christian but he needs all the prayer he can get so please pray for him and his wife. She lives in Germany(they were married about two months before he went overseas) and naturally misses him and is a bit lonely. So please just keep them in your prayers.
Luckily Dad doesn't have to stay longer than expected like Scott. He comes home in just a few months! But please pray for his saftey and his salvation...
well thats about it =)

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Facing the Giants

Wow! I just finished watching "Facing the Giants." If that isn't a movie that displays God's power I don't know what is. If you haven't seen that movie yet then you are coming over to my house and watching it.=) It is definetly one of the best movies I've ever seen, it displays God's power so well and was a huge encouragement to me to completely trust God to do in my life whatever He wishes.
If God can speak to hearts through movies just think what volumes He can speak through the life of a believer! Let it be told all around the world that nothing is impossible with God! Trust me, after seeing this movie you will want to proclaim that all over the earth!

Progressive Din Din

Last night was the progressive dinner with my youth group. It was a really fun night! If you don't know what it is, a progressive dinner is when you go to someone's house for one part of the meal. All of the people's houses we went to were families from our church. Everything was delicous.... I'm probably ate way too much but hey! I'm a growing or so they tell me. =P
Since it was a Hawiian theme I wore a skirt thinking it might be a little bit formal but no..... it was jeans all the way! I felt really out of place but it was fun just the same.=) I even won limbo(shocker huh?.... ) I also met new friends last night. Michael brought his friend from Texas, her name is Rebekkah. She had gone to the church a several years ago but had to move, so she only remembered a few people. She's really nice and apparently has "heard a lot about me" lol
We headed home at about 10:30, I was tired but it was definetly an amazing night! =)

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Sewing pj's fun fun! =P

Ok, so here's the thing(lol that one was for you Marcus! =P ) but anyway today I was working on my pj's...... ugh!..... those things get on my nerves! I've been cutting and pinning and sewing them for a few weeks now, inconsistantly of course..... I finally got a lot done today! =) I gotta admit it was kind of fun. My shirt is ready except for the buttons and all I have to put on my pants is a hem and put the elastic in the waistband! =) Isn't that exciting?.... I'm sure I just took a load off your =P

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Pics from last summer

I really like these pictures.... they were taken in Florida last summer on vacation. p.s. You're welcome to the nameless person who wanted me to post some pics on my blog =)

Sadie Hawkins Dance!

I love this song and the music video is hilarious! Hope ya'll like it too! =P

Monday, April 16, 2007

The Zoo

Is the zoo amazing or what!? We went to the Henry Dorly Zoo today....... you know since we're It was great! I've been there several times but it always astounds me to see the different kinds of creature God made! We saw a bird, and I'm not even kidding(I would never lie to it was every color you could imagine..... It was like someone got a bunch of markers and painted squares on it. T'was amazing!
Personally my favorite part of going to any zoo is seeing the aquairium. Sharks are my favorite animal! They're soooooo neat! And while we were looking at the other tanks leading up to "The big one"(line from Toy Story by the way) I saw an octopus! Man that thing was showin off. lol It was really cool though... I never realized how big their noses are! =P
It was a fun "school day" considering thats all we did for school....

Friday, April 13, 2007

Disecting pellets......EEWWW!

Anyone who knows me knows that I'm, in most cases, not a sissy, However...... today at the homeschool meeting we disected owl pellets. I thought that it was poop, but no... owl pellets are what an owl spits up after eating an animal whole. This piece of throw up hardens after it is spit up. It contains the entire skeleton of the animal eaten. We had to touch it with our bare hands and pull it apart barely even using a tool......GROSS! It was one of the most disgusting things I have ever done. I have to admit though, beyond that unbearable stench, it was neat to find all the bones in the...uh....stuff. lol Word of advice is you ever disect an owl pellet..... make sure you have a cold so you can't smell it and at least where rubber gloves.... =)

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Wednesday Night Lesson

Church last night was amazing! At youth group Aaron was talking about a co-worker who had recently given up Christianity. We called this man Anyway Bob had a very good point....he said that the worst thing Christians have working against them is themselves. Bob was wondering that if God is so powerful and almighty why don't we see more effects of Him through His people.... Of course this man wasn't a born again believer and he is one of those of which he is accusing....but the point that Aaron was driving home was that true, born again Christians should always watch their testimony. People watch Christians more than we think. If the world doesn't see a change in us....then why would they even want to be saved? If we are proffessing Christ we should act like it. Believers should not be conformed of this world. I think that true Christians should examine themselves and see if they are really living a life for Christ.... afterall Christ is all that matters....
That was the story at the beginning of the lesson.... The lesson itself was on spiritual gifts. We were studying I Corinthians 12, the first seven verses. Aaron was dicussing what spiritual gifts are for.... They are for the unity of the body of Christ. They all work together for the common good. This shouldn't be a newsflash but if it is, ok, IT IS ALL FOR GOD! God is the only thing that matters and if we use what He has given to us( for everything is given to us by God) and follow Him..... He will be glorified! That message really touched my heart to always be living for Christ and to let Him use me in a way that my life may be used to glorify Him.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Now I feel sad......

I had to get up at 7:30 this morning to babysit some kids down the street. A friend slept over last night so she came along..... When we arrived at the house we were playin with the Mary(5 or 6 yrs. old) She wanted to play hide and go seek. So all of us played Mary, her borther Shane, my friend Kellie and I. Mary decided she wanted to be on Kellie's team because she was prettier.... Don't get me wrong Kellie is a very pretty girl... but you just don't say stuff like that to you babysitter who plays with you all the time! =( So Shane and I got to hide first and Mary said "Ok, you boys go and hide now" My jaw hit the floor! I was appalled! Not only was I considered ugly today but I was also called a boy.... talk about self esteem hitting an alltime low.....

Sunday, April 8, 2007

Is this mean or what?

I was talkin to a friend the other day who shall be nameless.... we talk over the computer a LOT. Anyway this friend asked me why I never talk to them in real life. I asked them the same question. Of course nothing got accomplished this way so yesterday at church I thought I would be nice and talk to them. I said hi to them and asked how they were... this nameless person ignored me. A friend I was walking with asked if this person even answered and they answered her and said no, then returned to their previous conversation...... I tell ya.... try to make an effort and be the nice person and what do ya get?....... Is it my imagination or was this person bein rude?....

This person is probably reading this right now and knows exactly who I'm talking about... =)


Sorry I didn't post this yesterday but I'm not allowed on the computer on Sundays. HAPPY EASTER! Christ is risen! Easter for me was rather amazing.....We went to church this morning(totally great) and afterwards the church had an Easter lunch kind of a potluck. That I must say was really, really fun! I sat with my friends and another one of my friend's parents..... that was interesting to say the least......but they are pretty rad none the less. =) Then I came home and took a nap. When I did wake up I watched a Veggietales video and the Easter Story Keepers with my family. Fabulous shows for those of you who may have not seen them. Hope everyone had a great day! =) And never, ever forget what Easter is all about.

Friday, April 6, 2007

Bad News!!!....

Get this! I just found out this morning that we will be leaving Nebraska earlier than we expected. NOT COOL! My family thought that we were going to move in Feb. 2009, this however is no longer the plan....... we are most likely going to leave in Nov. 2008 due to my moms nursing schedule.. UGH!!!!!! I just hope that our house doesn't sell for another 5 but on a serious note Mom needs to find nursing work in Nebraska that will pay enough money to support us and these outragous Nebraskan You know what to do.... pray that God's will would be done in this situation whether we have to move or not.....

The Gym

I am sooooo tired! We went to the gym this morning for like three hours with a family from church. It was a bottomload of fun! We played basketball, then volleyball. Volleyball is what really wore me out! Ugh. I was running all over the place! But I had a really good time playin since it had been a while since the last time I'd played. Afterwards we went to the soccer field to play football..... seriously can you ever have a bad time playing football? I think not. Then all of the kids were playing knock it down.... and AWANA game. This was fun when my friend and I took our shoes off and were knocking it down before the others could......ah...... good times! =) All in all an exhausting but fantastic morning...

Thursday, April 5, 2007

"Where be Jack's pistol?"

Ok, so I was reading a book, and a man in the book lost his dog. He went and found it and said
"there be my dog" no joke! It was the funniest thing! It reminded me of The Pirates of the Carribean. You know when Balbosa said, "You're right, where be Jack's pistol?" I found that quite humorous. =)

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

First post Yah!

HI! I finally got a blog! I'm rather new at this....... so if you have any suggestions please tell me =) Just about everyone who sees this should know that I love smiley faces! You know what to do from there!