Tuesday, January 29, 2008

update for Mr. Folken

Well I was told that I should update more often, so here it is. =)
Um...... hm.... what to do, what to do.....
Ah, well good news, I'm completely caught up with school! All of us really buckled down today and got done pretty early.
We found out that Dad will be able to come back to Nebraska after Korea! Yay. He was very happy about that. ;D
My Aunt will probably be visiting the end of Feb! =D It's gonna be so fun with her here. She's coming then because Mom will have two weeks off from school. Whoot whoot!
Mom had a job interview today. She's had a few with this company and I'm pretty stinking sure they're going to hire her. =D
I've been keeping busy with a lot of nothing. School, babysitting, hanging out with Dad and the kiddies, church and guitar. (not all of those are nothing. ;)
Our whole family is completely addicted to Monk. When Shar and Joe were gone we watched it every single day. And since it's now on at 3 and 4 we watch those too. =) It's so nice having a tv guardian!
I might write about Joe's party on Saturday. We're having it early because Dad is leaving. His real birthday is Valentines Day... yeah, he's my lover boy. =) lol

Monday, January 21, 2008


Okay, dudes and dudets. I haven't written in a while so I thought I'd 'break it down.'
As of now, Sharon and Joe are gone in beautiful sunny, Florida... the little rats. jk... mostly. ;) So I'm just chilling with Mom and Morgan this week. Should be pretty cool! I plan on watching some good movies with Mom like Anne of Green Gables(all of them) and all the Love Comes Softly movies.... Ah... this should be a nice crying week.

Lol... While I'm thinking about it, the new years eve bash at church was completely amazing! I had so much stinking fun! We went frolicking outside, and when I say frolic I mean skipping.LOL... Good jokes that night as well! And we played Mofia quite a bit. So, we have a group, known as the Man-Han-Clan. It's pretty much THE best group ever! Here's a pic we took that night. It was fantastic!!

We look great don't we? I mean, come on, be serious. =P That's all of us. Jim, Marc, me and Andrew... we're working on getting the t-shirts in, isn't that right Jim?
Dad got a Wii! Oh my goodness. :) It's over at his house so when we go over there, that's pretty much what we do. He doesn't have any games except the ones that already come with it, which is completely fine with me. =D
Well I gotta go. I'll write more when anything interesting happens. ;)