Our family's family veggietales is Esther. One night the king was in his room trying to fall asleep and his servant was reading him events from his life to help him do so... apparently he had a very boring life, I don't know... Then the king said, "I really like it when you read me these records, I guess you could say "It's the Story of Me!" Lol Dad quotes it with us all the time!
Last night I slept over at Krista's house and boy was it fun!! Her mom let us walk down to Goodwill after dinner to go shopping. From the pics, you should be able to see we had a pretty amazing time! This morning we went to Reruns(LOL We're watching What's Happening! If you guys have ever seen that, you know exactly what I mean.) and got some more great stuff, but I don't have any pics. Oh... just to let you know, we didn't get the stuff we tried on. *wink wink*
This dress was gorgeous. We saw it the last time we went shopping but never tried it on. I was like, "eh, what's the harm. Let's do it!" I actually almost fit, and it was beautiful!
Krista looked lovely in it, and was looking at the birds in the corner of the dressing room.lol
This was the train of the dress. It was really, really hard to carry.
OH my goodness!! AMANDA! I finally got this pics to work on my computer! I have no idea what was wrong or how I fixed it, but I really don't care. =D Here they are.
This was one of the dresses I tried on but Krista and I didn't like it as much as the one I got. It was rather tight!
These are pics of the dress I got for the Christmas dinner. I love it!
Lol... I wanted proof for Kellie and Becca that I did try on shoes, even though nothing can compare to my tennis shoes. =) I did get a pair of boots though(not either of the ones shown) for $6! Oh yay.
Oh yeah and before I forget this is my 70th post. Yay! Today was rather busy. I got up, didn't eat breakfast, and did the usual. Bible, prayer and some school. We at lunch and left at about 12:30 to go pick up Maddie and Marc to go to the gym. That was a bunch of fun! On the way there we listened to the High School Musical 2 soundtrack that Maddie brought. The whole time we were at the gym we were singing the songs. We played basketball, soccer and volleyball. Mom even played volleyball! I gotta say it was... entertaining. lol Nah, she really did well and I'm proud of her. =) We took them home and were at the Knipps for 15 minutes or so and came home because Mom had to cook dinner and I had to mow. I was already tired from going to bed at almost one, and going to the gym, mowing wasn't exactly on my list of 'fun' at that moment. But the back was atrocious because I hadn't done it in over two weeks, so I did it. I must say... the lawn looks SO much better! and we can walk through the grass without having our knees itch like crazy...okay maybe I'm exaggerating a little bit.lol I didn't eat dinner because I had to take a shower and then leave for church, so I'm rather hungry right now. But anyway... that was my very eventful day, it was fun, but I'm kind of glad it's over. =) Now I really want to go read Piercing the Darkness and eat something! =) Peace out!
We've all heard the saying "Life's not fair." Well it certainly is true! But... as you might not have thought, it's a good thing for us it isn't! =D What's fair?... You're a sinner. Is it 'fair' that God was gracious and merciful to us and saved us from our sin? Is it fair to Him for us to reject Him for so long and then when life gets tough we realize how much we need Him and decide to except Him? Let's talk about Jesus. Was it fair for Him to be hanged on a cross, even though He never sinned in His life?! Think about it though... God had a plan. If Jesus hadn't died and payed the price for our sin, and rose again on the third day, would we have the opportunity God has given us, to know Him and be free from sin and live eternally with Him? What is fair? I'll tell ya what's fair. It's fair for us to live in our sin... or rather be dead in our sin, and die and live in Hell forever permanently separated from God. That's what's fair! We can never do anything on our own to reach God's standard of holiness. BUT! Because God is loving towards us, He sent His Son to die for our sins, that we may live eternally with Him in Heaven!! Aren't you glad life's not fair!! =D We had an AWESOME lesson tonight! I was totally pumped. It was about salvation. Not for unbelievers, but for believers. It was in I Peter 1:4-9. We have salvation, and we should be so excited, thankful, grateful, and ecstatic about it we can't explain it! Just the very thought that we are saved should bring joy to our lives. I was a little blow away when Mr. Long said that God would honor, praise and glorify us. It was confusing to me because I was thinking, "Hey, wait a minute... that doesn't sound right. We should be glorifying Him, not the other way around. For what are we? Poor sinners who can't stand on one foot without God in our lives. We didn't save ourselves, God saved us and we've certainly don't nothing worthy of praise." Well getting back to my point earlier, life's not fair! =) If we follow God here on earth, do His will, and live for Him, it says in the Bible that we will get crowns, glorified bodies like Christ, and God will say to us, "Well done my good and faithful servant." If that's not motivation to live for our Lord Jesus Christ than I don't know what is!! But it definitely shouldn't be because we want rewards, but because we know what God has done for us and we want to serve Him, even though there is no way we will ever be able to repay all that He's done for us! It reminded Mr. Long of the song, Joy Unspeakable... you all know it, so did we. So we began singing, and I could tell some of the others were as excited as I was by this point! =) He also brought up a point that people think we're absolutely nuts when we can't stop talking about Him, His Word and our salvation. It's especially confusing to unbelievers when a person is going through a very difficult time and continue to praise God. He gave a perfect example in Acts 5:40-42, when Peter and some of the other apostles were beaten for preaching the Word of God. They praised God departing "rejoicing that they were counted worthy to suffer shame for His name. And daily in the temple, and in every house they did not cease teaching and preaching Jesus as the Christ." Wow. They were still praising God after being beaten for doing what they were told to! On the way home tonight we were listening to the radio and this song came on, I heard it and was like, "Oh my goodness! This goes right along with tonights lesson!" Hopefully this will help you to remember that God has a plan for what's happening in your life. Don't remember that "there's a plan for everything..." Remember that God has a plan for everything, and that makes it much more comforting. He will never leave you or forsake you. And when you hear someone saying "life's not fair" say "You're right! Dog gonit, life's NOT fair, Praise God for that!!" Then look at their face... this maybe a perfect opportunity to witness.... God has a plan for everything...
Today should be rather interesting and very fun. =) I have to work at 1 to clean the house that I used to clean every other week. Well I haven't been over there since Dad's come back from Iraq, so it should be extremely filthy for me! Right after that I have to come home, get packed and go to Pizza Machine for Kellie's party. I made her a scrapbook with all our pics together. I really hope she likes it! =D I was up till 3:20 last night working on it!! I spend the night at her house. I'm going to church tomorrow, but I'll be so tired. I hope I don't, but if I do happen to fall asleep(I'm already exhausted from getting only 6 hours of sleep, when I needed at least 11.lol) please, please, please wake me up! I hope I do get some sleep tonight though. =) See most of ya'll tomorrow!
Last night was the first AWANA night of the year. I was going to work in AWANA until I found out that I'm two years too young. =( I hoped that there was something I could do. Turns out there was. I spent the whole night helping Mrs. Sneed, who, I found out, is awsome! She showed me how to work the copy machine(yes it's pathetic I know, I didn't know how to work the copier... pin a rose on my nose.), fill out order forms, fill orders, and I got to run all over the stinking church about seven times delivering papers! It was definitely a blast! Next week we're going to work on stuff for stores. I won't be helping her every week unfortunately, but I should work often and when I'm not, I'll either be in nursery, store, kitchen or anything else they might need me to do. =) Awana rocks!
Well after being home for two months we learned to day that Dad is scheduled to leave for Korea in Feb.!! Can I tell you how much I didn't want to hear this? He'll be there for a year instead of 4 months, the longest he's ever been away. At least we've got five more months before he leaves again. Lol he wasn't too happy about it tonight. Oh well... nothin I can do about it. So I'll live with it. =)
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
This is a pic of us girls yesterday. I really love this pic, and Morgan helped me edit it for the second one.
Yesterday we went to St. Joseph Missouri to see our friends the Ballews. We toured the city a little bit and then went to see some museums. Here's some of the funny pics. =) I've got more if you want to see them. =P
The purple building was funny enough, but what was on it was better.
Lol this was at the Pony Express museum, they had a pump and you could pump water into a trough.
Amber was trying to pull me away with the rope! =(
This was the Victorian Outhouse right outside the Patee House Museum.
Cassie and I thought this was an ordinary couch....not at all.
Last night I went to my first football game! It was amazing! Unfortunately we got crushed. Papillion LaVista was playing the #1 team in the state and they beat us 42 to 10... talk about a cream. One of the best parts was seeing all my friends that I hadn't seen in about six months! A lot of them recognized me but couldn't quite place me and then they'd go, "OH my goodness!!(well actually they said something different but I'm not gonna write it ;) HANNAH! I haven't seen you in forever!" It was awsome! Kellie and I tried watching the game but she doesn't know the first thing about football, lol I don't even think she knows what a touchdown is. So, being the marvelous friend that she is, she left me to go hang out with some other friends. I tagged along for a while, but I came to see the game, and I wasn't exactly comfortable with some of my old friends from school, they'd changed a lot. So, I sat down a made a couple new friends! The one I hung out with the most was Destiny. She was 14! It was so unusual to find another 14 year old in high school, but she was a freshman, so that explained it quickly. We became good friends very quickly, she just moved here in July and her dad is in the army, so we had a lot in common. ;) I invited her to church tomorrow so she might come, I'm not sure yet. But she lives on the street right behind me. =D The game got boring because we were being pummled so badly, so we talked for the most part. When the game was over I found Kellie and we left and she came over here to spend the night. Even though I didn't get to hang out with Kellie that much, it was still a really fun night, and I know she had a lot of fun too! I can't wait to go to another game. =)
Thursday night Shar, Joe and I slept over at Dad's house. It was really, really fun! Earlier that day Dad and I went to mow the lawn for a lady in Papillion and after that, we came back home so he could teach me how to edge our yard. Naturally when we got to Dad's, he and I had to take showers rather quickly after eating pizza for dinner. When I got out Dan, Dad's roommate, and I went to Target to pick up some games to play that night. There was one game we saw called Finish Lines. I'd never heard of it before but it looked fun so we got it and brought it back home, along with some skittles and warheads! Dad was, of course, very good at the game. The point of the game is to get 11 tiles on your side. Getting tiles is sometimes easy, sometimes not. They give you the first part(could be a word, could be almost a paragraph) of a phrase and you have to finish it. They have different categories like, movies, music, quotes. It's really fun! I was on a team with him and we played against Shar, Joe and Dan. We whooped 'em. =) They wanted another chance so Dad and I agreed. Unfortunately we lost that game but we didn't play a tiebreaker. We should have though. Dad was too chicken to try a Warhead... but Sharon and I enjoyed them a lot. =) The rest of the night we watched Brady Bunch...Lol... but we loved it. In the morning Dad took us to the park to play football, soccer, basketball and baseball. Being there for about two hours we just ate a picnic lunch and played basketball and baseball. Lol Baseball was so funny! We usually designate Dad to be the pitcher since none of us are very good at it. But he hardly pitched at all. We took turns. A few broken bones, several lumps on heads, brused arms... it was a blast! Jk Jk Jk....But it was pretty interesting to see how each of us pitched, luckily we didn't video tape it. Joe was actually quite good, good hits too. I declare, I don't think there's a sport that he's not good at! Except maybe sportsmanship...lol