Tuesday, January 29, 2008

update for Mr. Folken

Well I was told that I should update more often, so here it is. =)
Um...... hm.... what to do, what to do.....
Ah, well good news, I'm completely caught up with school! All of us really buckled down today and got done pretty early.
We found out that Dad will be able to come back to Nebraska after Korea! Yay. He was very happy about that. ;D
My Aunt will probably be visiting the end of Feb! =D It's gonna be so fun with her here. She's coming then because Mom will have two weeks off from school. Whoot whoot!
Mom had a job interview today. She's had a few with this company and I'm pretty stinking sure they're going to hire her. =D
I've been keeping busy with a lot of nothing. School, babysitting, hanging out with Dad and the kiddies, church and guitar. (not all of those are nothing. ;)
Our whole family is completely addicted to Monk. When Shar and Joe were gone we watched it every single day. And since it's now on at 3 and 4 we watch those too. =) It's so nice having a tv guardian!
I might write about Joe's party on Saturday. We're having it early because Dad is leaving. His real birthday is Valentines Day... yeah, he's my lover boy. =) lol


crashed yet lived said...

Well that sounds like you've quite busy...Joes birthday is Valentines day......0.0.....I never knew that.
Monk I saw It once but really didn't care to much for.It could have been the episode ,but I can't formulate an opinion of till I see some more episodes..^_^

Daddy's lil girl said...

JOSH! How could you not like Monk?! Actually, the first time I saw it I wasn't very taken either, but believe me it's so addictive! Which episode did you see? (word of advice, try and see an episode with Natalie, the blond assistant. They're better) You'll definitely have to come to the Monk marathon night at the Menschners. =D

AlreadyButNotYetResurrectedFallenMan said...

Ok... Josh... no offense, but most of the time your choice of entertainment bites, so I wouldn't even expect you to like such a cool show as Monk... lol... but you are right! Monk rocks! Him and Louis are my favorite characters... well... Shaun Spencer too, but I don't need to name all of those guys here...
Happy early b-day Joe!

Anonymous said...

Not a Monk fan - I find the main character annoying, I think his name is "Monk" or "Junk" - something like that :)

Great update!

Daddy's lil girl said...

O! Mr. Folken I just had a stake driven through my heart! I cannot believe you don't like Monk!! What are we gonna do with you?.... Oh I know. You'll just have to come over for a Monk marathon, we'll get you to like it one way or another.lol =P

Maddie Monk said...

My blog has been update more lately than yours. Where have you been????

marnmic said...

That last comment was from me, not Maddie. I didn't realize she was signed in.